"Bones of the Lost English Samurai are Identified" by Julian Ryall, The Daily Telegraph (PDF)
"First English National to Visit Japan who Became Honorary Samurai Formally Identified" by Julian Ryall, The Daily Telegraph
Note that the article refers to Prof. Irving, president and founder of the William Adams Club by Adams grave site', which is incorrect. Whilst the gentleman shown is indeed Prof. Irving, a Life-time Honourable Member of WAC, the president (at the time of the article being published) and founder of WAC was Robin Maynard MBE."The Return of Japanβs Long Lost Telescope" by Sean Curtain, The Japan Society
"Britain's Lost Samurai is Found 400 Years Later: Remains of English Sailor Shipwrecked in Japan in 1600βand who inspired TV show ShogunβFormally Identified Using DNA testing" by Harry Howard, Daily Mail